​​Phone: 604-886-4161
Mon - Fri: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
​​Saturday: 9am - 5pm
EMERGENCIES - Call us at 604-886-4161
The staff at Gibsons Veterinary Hospital have spent the last 6 years managing a 24/7 on call service. As you are aware, there is currently a nationwide professional healthcare shortage. Unfortunately the out of hours service has taken a toll on the staff.
We have decided to join the team of the sunshine coast to provide a joint out of hours service. The aim is to reduce veterinary burnout and to facilitate a long term plan of excellent client care. Going forward, all of the vets on the sunshine coast will be sharing the on call responsibilities.
When you call our telephone number out of hours, there will be a message with clear instructions on how to contact the current clinic which will be providing out of hours service.
The out of hours service goal is to provide care for you pet on an emergency basis. As soon as feasible, the on call vet will request that you go back to your regular clinic for service.
Depending on the clinic on call, you may be required to travel to Gibsons or Sechelt for your on call needs. Luckily, we have an amazing team of dedicated doctors on the coast, who are willing to share the on call responsibilites and provide excellent care for your pets out of hours.
FAQS - Is it an Emergency?
The following symptoms may constitute a medical emergency. If your pet is showing any of the following symptoms it would be advised to be seen as soon as possible.
Repeated vomiting over a short period of time
Vomiting or diarrhea with blood
Convulsions (seizures)
Breathing difficulties ( open mouth breathing especially)

Ingestion of a foreign material such as a plastic toy, medications, poison, etc.
Deep cuts/burns
Injury to the eye
Sudden collapse or paralysis
Animal that is unable to pass urine (especially seen in male cats)
Rabbits that are unwilling to eat or do not produce faeces over a 12-24 hour period
Car accident, falling from heights
Bite wounds
Severe bleeding
Abdominal swelling with attempts to vomit
Pregnant animal unable to pass pups/kittens
If you are concerned with other symptoms your pet has, please do not hesitate to call us as this list is a basic guide only.
What to do next
In the event of an emergency during our normal office hours please call ahead if possible and proceed directly to our practice.